The Taheal Rehabilitation Center Psychotherapy Clinic, provides high-quality, low-cost counseling and psychotherapy to adults in the whole region. Our treatment focuses on insight and understanding difficulties in relationship problems, depression, anxiety, grief and loss, meaning of life, dreams, and nightmares.
Doctor / Karim Ashraf
- Consultant of Neurology - MD/PHD of Neurology,
- Specialist of Neurology/Psychiatry - Masters of Neurology/Psychiatry,
- Specialist of Hospital Management - MBA of Hospital Management,
- Ain - Shams University, Cairo - Egypt,
- Certificate of Pain Management Boston University (USA),
- Certificate of Stroke Management Harvard University (USA),
- Certificate of Basic Neurology UCSF (USA),
- Neuro-physiology mini-fellowship Cleveland Clinic (USA),
- Advance Pharmaco-management of Epilepsy (ILAE),
- Member of the American Academy of Neurology,
- Ta'heal Neurology and Rehabilitation Centers Medical Director.
- Ta'heal Neurology and Rehabilitation Centers C.E.O.
- Ta'heal Neurology and Rehabilitation Centers Co-Founder.