Welcome to Ta’heal,
Ta’heal is the first comprehensive neuro-rehabilitation center in Egypt. Not only that it has full range of state of the art rehabilitation equipment, but also because Ta’heal features a qualified team of various specialties who cooperate to ensure that you get the best specialized services possible.

Ta’heal is the first comprehensive neuro-rehabilitation center in Egypt. Not only that it has full range of state of the art rehabilitation equipment, but also because Ta’heal features a qualified team of various specialties who cooperate to ensure that you get the best specialized services possible.
All our services can be provided as;
Inpatient service among 30+ bed unite ,
Day Care.
Home Care.
Our team is formed of Neurologists, Physical therapists, Psychologists, Occupational therapists, Speech pathologists, Pain specialists , Critical Care team, Orthopedics, Plastic Surgeons, Cardiologist and more ..
Ta’heal is the first comprehensive neuro-rehabilitation center in Egypt. Not only that it has full range of state of the art rehabilitation equipment, but also because Ta’heal features a qualified team of various specialties who cooperate to ensure that you get the best specialized services possible.
(Consultant Neurology and Rehabilitation).
Doctor. Nevine El Nahas
Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University,
Head of Neuro-modulation Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University,
Consultant Neuro-rehabilitation,
Member of WFNR
Team Consultant at Ta’heal Neurology and Rehabilitation Centers.
(Consultant of Neurology and Rehabilitation)
(Medical Director and C.E.O.).
Doctor. Karim Ashraf
Consultant of Neurology - MD/PHD of Neurology,
Specialist of Neurology/Psychiatry - Masters of Neurology/Psychiatry,
Specialist of Hospital Management - MBA of Hospital Management,
Ain - Shams University, Cairo - Egypt,
Certificate of Pain Management Boston University (USA),
Certificate of Stroke Management Harvard University (USA),
Certificate of Basic Neurology UCSF (USA),
Neuro-physiology mini-fellowship Cleveland Clinic (USA),
Advance Pharmaco-management of Epilepsy (ILAE),
Member of the American Academy of Neurology,
Ta'heal Neurology and Rehabilitation Centers Medical Director.
Ta'heal Neurology and Rehabilitation Centers C.E.O.
Ta'heal Neurology and Rehabilitation Centers Co-Founder.
(Consultant Neurology and Rehabilitation).
Doctor. Tamer Emara
Associate professor of neurology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
(Chief Physiotherapist).
Ehab Tantawy
Consultant of physical therapy
Head of physical therapy department at Taheal neuro- rehab center
Medical team leader at army forces club and Egypt national team of volleyball
Senior specialist therapist at national heart institute
(Executive secretary).
Ahmed Moustafa
(Executive secretary).
(Executive secretary)
Nour Hamd
(Executive secretary).
Mohamed Islam Gad EL Hak
(Consultant speech and language).
InCharge Physiotherapist
Ali Hassan
(Consultant Physiotherapist).
InCharge Nurse
Mahmoud Katoush
(Nursing Director).
Critical Care
Doctor. Wael EL Gharbawy
(Consultant Critical Care).