Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price and how much it will cost me for a service or an accommodation package at Taheal Rehabilitation Centers , Cairo - Egypt ?

How much is the accommodation package ?

What is the services that can be offered to a comatose patient or those in the ICU with a reduced consciousness ?

Can you offer the patient an ambulance pick up or regular pick up to and from Taheal rehabilitation Centers or from the airport ?

What can you offer to patients with multiple sclerosis ?

What is the address and where is our location ?

What kind of services can be offered from Taheal Rehabilitation Centers to patient with hemiparesis due to cerebrovascular stroke or hemorrhage or right or left sided weakness ?

Do you have other location other than those in Cairo – Egypt? Your locations are far from me ?

What is Taheal Rehabilitation Centers in a Nutshell ?

I have headache, how can the headache clinic at Taheal Centers help me with ?


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