Frequently Asked Questions
What is the price and how much it will cost me for a service or an accommodation package at Taheal Rehabilitation Centers , Cairo - Egypt ?
Prices vary according to several factor for example from case to case prices vary as not all the cases are the same, the no. and the type of sessions in addition to the frequency of session is an addition factor for this variation.
Generally speaking prices range from $10 to $25/session, in addition to the cost of accommodation as well if required for an intensive program and for medical and nursing care if we are seeking quick response in a short period.
1st step we strongly advise to assess the patient to know the case and identify the needs and then calculate the prices.
Assessment can be done onsite at Taheal Rehabilitation Centers, at the home or hospital if there is a difficulty to come for assessment.
In some limited case we can do e-consultations for those who can’t me our experts in advice and this can be done virtually using online channels by knowing the patient medical history, see the reports and if possible any videos for the patient.
Every Thursday we offer a totally free clinic for those who can’t afford our prices, afterward we choose the most needed cases and we offer them our services with no or just the cost price
For further inquiries please contact us on:
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
How much is the accommodation package ?
According to the case and the needed services as the no and type of sessions, medical supervision, and size of the room.
We offer more than 12 choices for the packages regarding the accommodation so definitely you will find what suits your budget.
1st step we strongly advise to assess the patient to know the case and identify the needs and then calculate the prices.
Assessment can be done onsite at Taheal Rehabilitation Centers, at the home or hospital if there is a difficulty to come for assessment.
In some limited case we can do e-consultations for those who can’t me our experts in advice and this can be done virtually using online channels by knowing the patient medical history, see the reports and if possible any videos for the patient.
Please Note that prices for Non-Egyptians may vary slightly from Egyptians as the administration fees, the taxes and the employee wedges do vary in these cases.
For further inquiries please contact us on:
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
What is the services that can be offered to a comatose patient or those in the ICU with a reduced consciousness ?
Unconscious patients do have rehabilitation program different from those with intact consciousness. This include physiotherapy aiming at preventing the occurrence of bed sores – improve the range of motion and prevent joint deformities, maintain the muscle bulk and prevent disuse atrophy, Improve the chest condition and reduce the chest secretions. Even if the physiotherapy will not achieve any functional improvement regarding the movement yet it does improve the state of consciousness as exercise is the best cognitive enhancer.
We can offer a dysphagia rehabilitation program for patient with swallowing difficulty or those with tracheostomy via fibro-optic laryngoscope assessment for the swallowing and the vocal cords and assess the aspiration risk followed by electric simulation for the swallowing muscles with functional training and exercise via different positions and consistencies for swallowing aided by chest physiotherapy and abdominal and neck muscle strengthening.
Some of our patients we offer them non-invasive brain stimulation via rTMS or tDCS which have some uses in these cases yet we should see the patient Neuro-imaging before taking this decision.
Those patients with reduced conscious state needs continuous medical and nursing care ,so our facility is equipped by a group of consultants and faculty staff members from all the needed specialties and qualified
nursing one to one team.
We have a full equipped ICU with all the required equipment of D.EEG – ventilators – Monitors….etc.
Can you offer the patient an ambulance pick up or regular pick up to and from Taheal rehabilitation Centers or from the airport ?
Yes we can offer this kind of services. We can also provide a representative to be with you during the transfers.
We offer our ambulance service via the Egyptian ambulance authority. The cost of this service is paid directly to the Egyptian ambulance authority at the end of the job and the price is calculated according to the distance and waiting time.
When you pay don’t miss to take your receipt.What can you offer to patients with multiple sclerosis ?
Beside the medical management that we do have a group of national and international expertise in this field within our team
We offer a group of non-pharmacological services as intensive physiotherapy up to 3 to 5 hours/day interrupted with periods of rest to overcome the fatigue
Spasticity management program via physiotherapy – local injections of botolinum toxin and novel techniques including iTBS, splints and finally some surgical intervention if needed.
Occupational therapy for activities of daily leaving.
Imbalance and ataxia comprehensive rehabilitation program
Noninvasive brain stimulation rTMS and tDCS to enhance motor recovery
Speech and dysphagia rehabilitation program for problems in communication and swallowing
Rehabilitation program and therapeutic advices for bowel and bladder control in addition to some pharmacological choices.What is the address and where is our location ?
Taheal Rehabilitation centers do have two locations both of them are located at east of Cairo- Egypt.
Heliopolis Branch : 19 Tag El Dien El Sobky – Ard el Golf from El Nozha Street and beside African Arab Bank
Tele: +201120112211 - +201222282112
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
New Cairo Branch: Street 66 from 90s street beside the electricity company and near the international School – in the opposite side of the street from Air Aviation hospital.
Tele: +201140733733 - +201222282112
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
What kind of services can be offered from Taheal Rehabilitation Centers to patient with hemiparesis due to cerebrovascular stroke or hemorrhage or right or left sided weakness ?
It depends on the stage at which we meet our patient the earlier we meet our patient and the more intensive start is definitely always the best for the improvement. Time is Brain.
if we meet the patient within 3 hours or maximum up to 4 and half hours and the patient is eligible we can give the patient the thrombolytic therapy, in some case and up to 24 hours we can do surgical thrombectomy for some of our patients. Yet most of our patient will go on secondary prevention via blood thinners according to the case aiming at preventing further strokes and prevent any deterioration this is usually done at the beginning under close medical supervision up to ICU admission if needed.
Beside the medical treatment and management of the risk factors and monitoring which are all done via a group of highly qualified team of nurses, residents , consultants and faculty staff members in neurology and other supporting specialties we offer a group of non-pharmacological therapies tailored according to each patient, including:
Intensive physiotherapy up to 3 to 5 hours /day interrupted by periods of rest to monitor patient vital data and to avoid over exertion. These sessions includes fine program for individual muscle strengthening, functional sitting, standing and gait training in addition to stretching exercise to prevent spasticity.
We offer our patient noninvasive brain stimulation (rTMS – tDCS) on daily basis to enhance the motor recovery or sensory deficit or improve the mood.
We offer our patient speech and language therapy for better communication and understanding.
We offer our patient swallowing rehabilitation program via exercise and local superficial nerve stimulation and swallowing training in addition to non-invasive brain stimulation.
We offer our patients sensory rehabilitation programs to improve sensation and adjust any abnormal pains or sensations via sensory education and local superficial nerve stimulation in addition to non-invasive brain stimulation on the sensory cortex.
We offer all our services in one place and under one roof.
1st step we strongly advise to assess the patient to know the case and identify the needs and then calculate the prices.
Assessment can be done onsite at Taheal Rehabilitation Centers, at the home or hospital if there is a difficulty to come for assessment.
In some limited case we can do e-consultations for those who can’t me our experts in advice and this can be done virtually using online channels by knowing the patient medical history, see the reports and if possible any videos for the patient.
Please Note that prices for Non-Egyptians may vary slightly from Egyptians as the administration fees, the taxes and the employee wedges do vary in these cases.
For further inquiries please contact us on:
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
Do you have other location other than those in Cairo – Egypt? Your locations are far from me ?
Unfortunately currently we only have our two locations which are both in Cairo; we are working on the near future to have new locations ready. Till then, kindly note that both of our current location provide the accommodation service for those coming from far away in order to receive intensive rehabilitation and medical treatment to achieve the highest improvement in the shortest time.
In some cases and if intensity is not a matter, no need for equipment or medical supervision we can offer our service as an out calls.
For further inquiries please contact us on:
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
What is Taheal Rehabilitation Centers in a Nutshell ?
Taheal Rehabiltiation Centers are the 1st Neurology Rehabilitation Center in Egypt. We offer our services to patient with various neurological disorders the most common is Cerbrovascular accidents – multiple sclerorsis – Parkinson – spinal cord injuries and post traumatic cases due to accidents ,gun shots or fall from height – in addition to a rehabilitation program for old age and geriatrics, rehabiltaition program after surgeries or during or after being at the ICU.
We offer our services as inpatient – outpatients and daycare programs.
We provide intensive physiotherapy programs – full medical supervision via consultants and faculty staff members – noninvasive brain stimulation (rTMS – tDCS)
We do have our ICU with ventilator devices for critically ill patients.
We offer 24/7 nursing care – we deal with those with tracheostomy, nasogastric tube feeding or gastric tube feeding in addition to comatose patient or those with chest infection with frequent suction.
We have the needed tools of investigations for our patients from radiological and lab batteries as needed.
For further inquiries please contact us on:
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
I have headache, how can the headache clinic at Taheal Centers help me with ?
What is your age? Where is your headache? Is it a recurrent headache? Is it your regular headache or a new form? It is better to be examined because it is not only one type of headache but several types and each of them has its specific treatment options. Some patients do think that all migraines and headache are the same and this is wrong. Headache is a series illness similar to hypertension and diabetes, and the headache had its treatment options and it is not only analgesics as analgesics itself its overuse can cause headache even. Some headache with certain character and at certain age is a sign for some critical illness that should be considered and not neglected. Headache is a specialty and not any physician is capable of management chronic resistant headache.
For further inquiries please contact us on:
We do accept inquiries via whats up at the above numbers.
Contact Us
Heliopleis Branch (map)
19 Tag El Din El Sobky St., Off El Nozha St., Beside Arab African Bank, Ard El Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo. Fourth Floor, Makkah Specialist Hospital
5th Settlement Branch (map)
66 Off El Teseen St., In Front Of The Air Hospital. Next to the electricity company and Al-Majd Pharmacy (formerly Grand). Behind Egyptian International School
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